Intelligent Sea – Integrated digital services for efficient and safe maritime navigation

Project time October 2018- June 2022
The project aims to improve the safety and efficiency of maritime fairways through digitalization. In the project, floating as well as land-based aids to navigation will be equipped with devices for remote monitoring and control as well as environmental sensors. The fairway data produced by the aids to navigation will be integrated with other fairway and port data by combining several, currently separate, data and control systems into a single digital service cloud. In addition, the project will pilot marine high-speed broadband networks and monitoring of sulphur emissions from maritime transport by utilising aids to navigation, and alternative energy sources for them.
The project partners are Meritaito, the Port of Stockholm and the Port of Naantali. The innovative new technologies of the project will be piloted in the ports. The project outcomes will be available and interoperable for several different end-users, such as other maritime and inland ports as well as authorities.
Project objectives
- Developing and piloting the InSea platform, which will integrate the currently separate control systems, port and fairway related data and the data coming from the navigational aids into a single digital service cloud. This will increase the safety of navigation as well as the efficiency of operations.
- Piloting a high-speed broadband network to operate in the fairway and port area, using floating platforms (i.e. network buoys) which will contribute to the connectivity and information flow between vessels, ports and other parties.
- Piloting alternative renewable energy sources for the smart buoys, thereby guaranteeing their self-sufficiency. Two technological solutions will be examined, namely seawater batteries and flexible solar panels.
- Piloting compliance monitoring of SOX emissions from ships on fairways by employing smart floating navigational buoys. Remotely operated sniffer stations will record the emissions of passing sea vessels and operate on a continuous basis. The data from the sniffers will help e.g. the Port State Control authorities to decide if there is a need for an on-board check or other port control actions.
The project Intelligent Sea has been awarded funding from Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).