Operating policy
Port of Naantali operating policy
The purpose of Port of Naantali Ltd is to maintain and continuously develop the port’s infrastructure and business processes, and the operating conditions for transports of local industry and trade linked to the port in a financially viable manner. The port enterprise produces vessel traffic services, leases warehouse space and outdoor areas, and commercially utilises different route alternatives and its logistical location. The operations are guided and supported by the operations systems of the port enterprise which comprises of quality management, environmental and safety systems. The management and the rest of the organisation are committed to comply with the operating policy.
The Port enables diverse industrial operations and service businesses that support them. We take into account any changes in the business environment and develop our operations with a keen ear to our customers’ needs. We use and utilise the best, financially justifiable and appropriate technology.
Our organisation is being continuously developed in terms of expertise and structure to meet the needs of the changing operating environment.
We practise business development with attention to the principles of continuous improvement and sustainable development, environmental and safety aspects, and the valid laws, statutes and regulations. We also require the same of our stakeholders.
Increasing the effectiveness of the operations system and evaluating the results are key parts of our development work through which we aim at ensuring the efficiency of our business processes and the continuous improvement of the quality of the port services.
Seafaring and port operations have environmental impacts, but we are continuously developing our operations to take the environment better into account. The Port’s operations are guided by the environmental permit which regulates the noise and emission levels as well as waste management.
The Port of Naantali knows its responsibility for protecting and preserving the environment. Environmental aspects are taken into account, and environmental impacts are followed when the Port’s operations are developed and projects are implemented. The same requirements also apply to our partners and subcontractors.
The Port’s strategy determines the goals and indicators for environmental issues. The aim is to continuously decrease the environmental impacts caused by the nature of port operations. The Port of Naantali monitors the state of the environment in its operating area, reports regularly on observations and changes, and informs openly well ahead of time about its plans that might affect the environment. The Port’s personnel and stakeholders are aware of the environmental impacts of their operations and take the environmental aspects into account in their own work.
In order to ensure positive development, the Port maintains good relations with the authorities, customers, and local companies and inhabitants. Regarding the development of environmental issues the Port hears the views of different stakeholders and co-operates with both national and international organisations.
Security & Safety
In port operations, ensuring safety comprises of security measures that protect from accidents, damage and criminal activities, and looking after personal and occupational safety. Both of those are key factors in guiding the operations of the Port of Naantali.
Our security measures comply with the instructions of the international ISPS code and national regulations concerning the security of vessels and the port structures that serve them. We continuously develop our security measures by participating in working groups and introducing security and surveillance technology best suited to our environment.
We look after the occupational safety of our personnel and also require our partners to do the same. We aim at promoting occupational safety and well-being at work through open discussion and co-operation involving the whole port and stakeholders related to port operations. We aim at open, positive contacts and interaction, taking into account the personnel, customers, owners, local inhabitants, the authorities and other stakeholders.