Petri Salo has been appointed Electrical Maintenance Manager of the Port of Naantali from 2 January 2023 on

Petri holds a Specialist Vocational Qualification in Electrical Engineering. He has a long and extensive experience in project management positions for industry and construction.
Petri is familiarising himself with the duties under Veijo Järvi’s guidance and will continue Veijo’s duties which include, for example, supervision of electrical work and management of electrical maintenance.
In the position, he reports to Juha Ketoniemi, Technical Manager of the Port.
Before joining the Port of Naantali, Petri worked for a long time at Sähkö-INSTO in Raisio.
We wish Petri warmly welcome to Port of Naantali’s team.
You can reach Petri directly by telephone +358 40 485 0255 or e-mail [email protected]
Contact information for Port of Naantali`s team
Port of Naantali Ltd