Jussi Lehtonen appointed Harbour Master of the Port of Naantali

Jussi Lehtonen, Bachelor of Engineering, has been appointed Harbour Master (PSO, Traffic Manager) and a member of the Management Team of the Port of Naantali from 1 September 2022 on.
Jussi’s duties include, for example, the provision of vessel and land traffic services, ensuring the smooth running of the Port’s traffic, the duties of the Port Security Officer (PFSO), communication with various stakeholders regarding practical matters, contacts with the authorities, and participation in the development of the Port’s infrastructure and services.
In this position, he reports to the Operations Manager Hannu Kallio.
Jussi has previously worked in the Port of Naantali as a Harbour Master.
Before starting work in our port, he was employed by Yara Suomi Ltd (formerly Kemira Growhow) in the Uusikaupunki plant, e.g. as a logistics engineer, in production planning and, most recently, as a port master and PFSO. Jussi has long experience in foreman duties in an industrial port, as well as working in the port environment and logistics operations.
Port of Naantali Ltd.